It's That Time of the Year Again...

Cocktails, broken promises, and regret time! Also known colloquially as New Year's . For those who aren't yet aware, Baltimoreans love parties . Balls, galas, concerts , beer gardens , festivals - despite our choleric reputation , we are a people who love merriment in all its curious forms , at all times, and with even the thinnest of excuses . So, naturally, when an actual holiday with actual cause for celebration comes along, we celebrate it the only way we know how: by exploiting a loophole in the law that lets us do what we want . Yes, this curious state of affairs surrounding New Year's Eve in Baltimore comes because our forward-thinking forebears in the great city had their grand-kids' well-being in mind when they decided that bars should not be forced to close at the monastic hour of 2 am on the most celebratory night of the year. Reinterpretation of that law means that bars in Baltimore open at 8 pm on December 31st, and stay open until 2 am on...