this is the life

Yesterday Tex and I hooked you guys up with some credible, on-the-ground news sources, and today we're gonna continue in that vein by pointing you in the direction of some of our favorite young bloggers and Baltimore social commentators.

First up is Bohs and O's.

Written primarily by a group of guys we probably all danced with at one middle school mixer or another, Bohs and O's is an entertaining assemblage of opinions that touch on just about every aspect of (young) life in Baltimore. Admittedly, there are some days when it's a little Bro-heavy, but on the whole it's more or less delightful (and it's also the original home of our TCKiT favorites survey).

Insane Baltimore is written by another Baltimore-based blogger with a biting sense of humor. Updated whenever inspiration strikes (which we here at TCKiT find highly relatable), Insane Baltimore is full of entertaining observations about that special kind of crazy that's just accepted here in Charm City. The thing I love most about this blog is that every time I read it I find myself feeling totally vindicated and full of hope that qualities like 'perspective' and 'common sense' are not, in fact, things of the past. A hope that's usually extinguished the second I happen onto one of The Sun's message boards.

And last, but certainly not least, is our most focused blog of the day:

Baltimore Beer Guy is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a blog run by a Baltimore beer enthusiast (and kindred spirit if ever I've seen one). Full to the brim with well-written posts on bars, restaurants, Maryland-based breweries, pub crawls, and the like, Baltimore Beer Guy is a fantastic resource on all things boozy and Maryland.


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