Princes, Popes & Ponies

Ah, the glory of the sport of kings. The lush, green fields. The pounding of hooves. The pretty dresses and bottomless mimosas.

10 Oaks Charity Polo Match
In keeping with the spirit of our summer, Tex and Coda decided to live it up, Maryland-style.
In keeping with our belief that maybe you monsters should do something nice for a change instead of just swearing all the time, we decided to start at the annual Catholic Charities Ten Oaks Polo match. Proceeds went to benefit the Our Daily Bread Employment Center, which provides workforce development, homelessness assistance, and one of the largest soup kitchens in the city.

So to sum: do good things, see good sport - check out 10 Oaks 2011.

Attractions included gorgeous horses, cute dresses, and one surprisingly placed anti-capitalist puppet show. I wish that was a joke.

Green Cup of Polo
Fast forward 3 weeks, and you'll find us again sitting field-side, amidst hooves and horseplay.

This time we went to the Green Cup of Polo, a match hosted by the Capitol Polo Club, ostensibly to benefit all types of eco-friendly organizations and businesses in the DC metro area. Although the match itself was somewhat dwarfed by the fashion show, Red Bull sponsor tent, full bar & VIP lounge, ice cream station, etc., we did have some excellent fun.

For one, I got to see my fave local polo player (Charlie Muldoon!), did get some friggin delicious Honest Tea samples, and Duckie did get to indulge in her favorite polo pastime (judging our neighbors). A lot more of a social scene than Ten Oaks, but still good fun - just remember to dress to the 9s.


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