partie traumatic

Well kids, it appears that Spring has finally sprung, which means that the Caps are in the playoffs and we O's faithful are high on believing that this will be the year which marks our return to former glory. And what better way to celebrate the passing of the vernal equinox than by throwing a party, or at the very least a rowdy BeerBQ?

Need a little inspiration? Or perhaps just something to aspire to? Check out Keggers of Yore.

Keggers of Yore is an online collection of old party pictures, and not just any party pictures, monumental party pictures. The kind Homer would've written epic poetry about. From dorm room drinking sessions and small gatherings to huge outdoor fiestas, Keggers of Yore is the world's single greatest photo collection of old-timey people making jackasses of themselves. The best part? Keggers of Yore takes submissions, so if your grandfather had a legendary keg stand you can share it with the world. And hey, maybe one day your grandkids will submit pictures of you and all your jackass friends.

Or if you'd like to hurry that process along...use Poladroid.

Just one quick, free, download and you'll be able to turn any image into a Polaroid; just drag, drop, and wait for your photo to develop. Or if you're the impatient type, and I am, just shake the image to hurry the process along. Once it's finished you can save it to a pre-selected file (go to Preferences to choose where the images go) and trick those Keggers of Yore bastards into posting your picture while you're still young and stupid enough to think it's cool.

And, as with any party, you'll need some sweet tunes, so head over to stereomood.

Think of it as an emotion/situation-based Pandora. Just click on one of the proffered playlists or type a keyword into the search field and they'll come up with something for you.

So, to review: you have inspiration, you have a creative form of documentation, and a ton of prefab playlists, all you need now is beer.


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