Texas likes to spare you pain. Texas likes to spare you suffering. And thus, dear reader, Texas would like to spare you 'Twilight.' If you've been thinking of caving in to (ex) friends and/or (not so) loved ones who would like you to go see this film, let me save you your $8.00 and tell you everything you need to know right here: I give it a grade of...... F-minus. I'm not going to summarize the movie for you, because every single other site on the internet has done that. Instead, I'm just going to let you know: 'Twilight' is terrible. The acting sucks, the lighting is that stupid gray wash (which I thought we had all moved past, Film Industry ), the dialogue is stilted and awkward, the premises are unbelievable (200 years old, immense wealth and unlimited power and the vampires choose to repeat high school ? Really?), and the overt abstinence messages are disingenuous and insulting in their delivery. I want my money back.* *Actually, I don't - I live i...