with a little help from my friends

Kids, Tex and I have been doing you a great disservice all these years (actually I'm gonna go ahead and call it an irresponsibility, because I'd like to think that the service we provide is outstanding, if a little erratic) we've been writing a blog about fantastic websites for over four years and have never once included any run by our friends. Well that changes now, as we introduce you to some of our favorite blogs run by some of our favorite people.

You may recognize Two Dilettantes from their link in our sidebar, but if you've never given them a look before today you should.

Two Dilettantes is really almost a digital lookbook for our two painfully stylish friends, Ashley and Patrice; it catalogs trends, offers runway rundowns, and includes a healthy dose of two very real girls wearing very cool clothes. Don't just take our word for it though, check out their interview with The Baltimore Sun which (correctly) refers to them as 'a collective [fashion] force to be reckoned with.'

Next is our highly talented and industrious friend Gant, who puts TCKiT's sporadic updates to shame with not only his blog, but also his webcomic, portfolio, and etsy store. Jerk.

Gantpants the blog is a window into the mind of an illustrator. Updated with enviable consistency it plays host to both Gant's own work and the things that inspire him. The end result bears a striking resemblance to its curator: delightfully quirky, occasionally dark, but always interesting and beautiful. If you want to see more of Gant's work be sure to check out his webcomic, Gaylife, or his online portfolio. Never fear, there's a gift shop, this is America after all.

Our last, though certainly not least, brilliant friend to be featured in today's post is Sarah, who is something of an inspiration.

Sarah's blog, Life Lived Healthfully, is both a chronicle of her own journey towards a healthy lifestyle, and a great guide for her readers on how to improve their own quality of life. If you're in need of healthy recipes, playlists to run by, workout suggestions, or just general motivation trust me when I say that Sarah's got you covered, and then some. Life Lived Healthfully is encouraging but never preachy; which is probably because unlike so many other bloggers out there who write about losing weight and keeping it off, coughGwenythPaltrowcough, Sarah's own life has taught her that living healthy is far more important than just being skinny.

Aren't friends just the best thing to have?


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