Hilarity ensues!

Boy, it's been a while, hasn't it, folks? Well, to refresh your palate for some total TCKiT deliciousness, I have composed a post of the funniest comics we've found on the web lately. Kill some time, have some laughs. You'll love it! (Love not guaranteed) First up, the awesome Achewood . The characters are based on a pile of stuffed animals; there's a 5 yr old, an IT guy, a couple of drunks, an elder gentleman and some really hilarious references. Sample below: Next, check out Dr. McNinja . He is a doctor who is also a ninja. Although I think he is predominately a ninja. Sample! If you're not dead with laughter yet, move on to #3 - Don't Forget to Validate Your Parking ! The best part about this comic is the dialogue. It's like a graphic novel version of Entourage , and just as funny. The narrator is a young screenwriter, and the comic centers around the friends, agents, and clients in his life. Sample, people, sample: Last, but certainly not least, chec...