[music] makes the world go 'round...

Being blessed as I am with the attention span of a gnat, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that I spend about half the time I’m supposed to devote to Kant and Kuhn searching for new music or impossible to find songs that I heard once about six years ago. Lucky for me the internet is around. When in search of new music I head for pure volume. Pure volume took over where the now defunct mp3.com left off, giving both signed and unsigned bands a chance to be seen and heard. Bands can make a page and give as much or as little information about themselves as they want, most add music, and some even link to their personal websites or their iTunes site. Best of all the search feature is easy to use and there are a plethora of charts, videos, tour dates, and new album listings, making browsing effortless. Or maybe you’ve been looking for an album by an unsigned/foreign/long broken up band? Check out Shopindi.com. I know, I know, it sounds like the only thing you’ll be finding on a place ...