future sound

Well, I think we can all agree that telling you beautiful people we're 'finally reliable bloggers' is a bad idea. It only brings misery and neglect. Kind of like that time Tex got all noble and left me at the mercy of Dead Rise and Full House reruns. Speaking of Full House, allow me to introduce you to Full House Reviewed . A labor of hate , Herculean in its magnitude, Full House Reviewed is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: every episode of Full House reviewed in order. By a man who hates the show. It's hysterical, it's eye-opening (seriously, how did I fail to notice that Michelle is a tiny little dictator ?), and it's well worth your time. The best news is that the fun doesn't have to stop once you're finished with the Full House recaps because Billy Superstar is still at it with Saved By the Bell Reviewed - same great entertainment, half the hate. All that Full House talk got you jonesing for a Tanner family marathon? Tota...