mr brightside

Having just returned from a pretty fantastic wedding weekend Coda's world view is finally brightening, so I thought I would celebrate by passing along some highly educational hilarity. We'll start with international relations. Because it's important to know your dictators (I mean, can you imagine how awkward it would be trying to strike up a conversation with Muammar Gaddafi about how much better elevators have made city life?), check out Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things . The title pretty much says it all, yet for some reason I still find myself laughing at pictures of him examining vodka and what appear to be lady's shoes . Maybe it's because he really does look like that puppet from Team America. Now, Tex and I love us some reading, which is probably why we spend so much of our time enraptured by Better Book Titles . Better Book Titles renames literary pieces of all different genres to give those who haven't read a specific work a better idea of wh...