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As you've undoubtedly gathered by this time, 2012 is an election year. And not even one of those total nonentity midterm election years.* It's a biggie. The Oval Office is up for grabs. In two days. So I've put together an extensive, if not comprehensive, post to help you navigate (and enjoy) the 2012 general elections. Be you decided in your choice or not . *Totally kidding. All elections are important. know...if you have to choose...don't be apathetic now. Now Tex and I are admittedly a bit biased , but since we accept that not everyone has the same opinions we do, I'd like to direct your attention to I Side With . I Side With lets you take a detailed political quiz and compares your stated views to those of the candidates running for President. Your results might end up surprising you ( though mine didn't ). And they might help you undecided voters know your own minds. I Side With also allows you to compare candidates to one another and...