Comedy Blogs, Trains, and Aeroplanes (UPDATE: Trains and Aeroplanes no longer available.)

So somehow, between flings with exotic boytoys and international crime sprees, Coda and I managed to get a couple of jobs - hence the tragic decline in blog contributions. But never fear - nous sommes retournés. Now, I'm not sure how I managed to utterly fail at my job here at TCKiT prior to today , but fail I have because I have not mentioned a blog so hilarious that it's artful: Gabe Delahaye is the lead writer, emperor, etc. of Videogum, and not only is he the sort of handsome that is just ridiculous , but he's also hysterical . Honestly, sometimes Videogum (and its accompanying community of hysterical commenting monsters) are all that get me through the workday. Well, that and marshmallows . Sweet, sweet, precious marshmallows. Anyway, for a straight shot of funny right to the vein, check out Gabe's recaps of popular TV shows, or his ongoing Hunt for the Worst Movie of All Time . But don't let me confuse you - it's all good and it's all funny. Now, spea...